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Ridgepoint Elementary

Maximizing Each Student's Potential

Ridgepoint Elementary

Maximizing Each Student's Potential

Club Live

Club Live is a club for 7th and 8th grade students that takes place at lunch on Mondays in Mr. Newcomb's classroom. Students play games and learn statistics involving under age alcohol and tobacco use. Club Live plans Red Ribbon Week and educates the school on the impact of using alcohol and tobacco under the legal age. To become a member of Club Live, students have to show up and dedicate themselves to every Monday for the rest of the year. Leaders wrote paragraphs and went to a training to learn how to be a Club Live leader. 

This program is important because it is rich in opportunities and support, so young people will be less likely to engage in problematic behaviors, will be more likely to achieve in school, and more capable of securing a full time job in the future.